

Locations and Tournaments in Southwest Wyoming

Looking to hook a burbot or trout this winter? Sweetwater County, Wyoming is the place to be! With three favorite fishing locations open year round, ice anglers won’t be at a loss for places to drop a line. 

Please consult the Wyoming Fishing Regulation for the list of waters that do have a special winter ice-fishing season and also for any closures. 截至2021年, Flaming Gorge is included in the list of waters with the special winter ice-fishing season. For more ice fishing regulations, please visit the 怀俄明州渔猎部网站. Check out our guide to the best ice fishing locations this winter and get fishing today!


位于怀俄明州西南部, 火烈峡水库 is the most popular ice fishing location near 岩石弹簧 and 绿河. Not only is it quite large—91 miles long with more than 350 miles of shoreline—but it is also home to a large variety of fish, 包括湖鳟鱼, 虹鳟鱼, 红大麻花鱼鲑鱼, 还有小嘴鲈鱼. Ice fishing has always been popular for the die-hards on 火烈峡水库, but the interest really exploded over the last ten to fifteen years in response to the invasive, 非法引进的鱼类品种burbot, 或灵. Burbot are more active in the winter, opposite of the trout, bass, and salmon in the Gorge and river. 

在冬天, anglers try to catch trout and burbot through the ice, particularly in areas such as Firehole on the 绿河 arm, 黑叉河臂上的半山谷, 和汇流区.


这里有一些 捕捉burbot的小贴士 complement of the 怀俄明州的游戏 and Fish Department:

  • Burbot can be caught year-round, but they are most active when water temperatures are below 50° F. 
  • They are also nocturnal, 哪一个 means they are more active at night. 
  • The best fishing for burbot is after dark in spring, winter, and fall. 
  • 在白天, they find dark recesses in rocky habitats: under rocks, 在孔洞和裂缝中, 日落时分, 它们从藏身之处出来觅食. 
  • Burbot may be caught during the day in deep water (≥ 70 feet), even during the summer below the thermocline. 
  • The first few hours following sunset and prior to sunrise are productive periods for catching burbot. 
  • Consider hitting the reservoir early and fishing for lake trout if you are heading out for an evening of burbot fishing. 
  • Lake trout limits are liberal for fish ˂ 28 inches in the Gorge arriving earlier will also ensure you are ready to go when the burbot bite starts around sunset.


火焰峡谷水库也是 一年一度的“Burbot Bash”, 哪一个, 作为一种“抓住并保持”的竞争, aims to get rid of as many of the non-native fish as possible. This competition began when the reservoir’s predator burbot population began threatening the reservoir’s native species. 自2009年以来的每个冬天, the ice fishing contest has offered participants prizes for most, 最大的, 捕到最小的burbot. Prizes include up to $10,000 of cash and prizes.

Don’t miss out on this annual attempt to control the burbot population in the 火烈峡水库—and WIN some prizes while you’re at it! 2024年Burbot Bash将于1月9日举行. 26-28. 保持最新的访问 Burbot Bash的Facebook页面.


从绿河出发,走530号WY高速公路向南. 从石泉出发,沿美国191号高速公路向南行驶. 从犹他州Vernal出发,沿美国191号高速公路向北行驶. 你不会错过的! 


尽管大部分 Fontenelle水库 is located in Lincoln County to the north of Sweetwater, 它确实延伸到斯威特沃特县西北部. The reservoir is quite a bit smaller than Flaming Gorge, 但规模仍然很大, at up to 20 miles long with about 56 miles of shoreline. 在冬天, 垂钓者可以钓到彩虹, 棕色(的), 残酷的, 湖中的鳟鱼穿过冰面, and burbot have also recently established themselves in the reservoir.

La Barge Ding-The-Ling冰上钓鱼比赛

拉巴吉活动委员会赞助商 一年一度的叮叮铃冰上钓鱼比赛! Teams of two to four are eligible for prizes up to $10,000! Check out the derby poster full of prize details, contest information and registration. 

Join in on the fun at Fontenelle水库—get entered into the Ling-Cha-Ching! And WIN many prizes that are great for the whole family and your friends!


位于189号公路旁, approximately 30 miles north of Kemmerer and 24 miles southeast of La Barge, 这个绿河水库很容易找到.


Originally a Bureau of Reclamation Project intended for irrigation, the 85-foot Big Sandy Dam creates a reservoir on the Big Sandy River that now hosts several recreational activities, 包括冰上钓鱼. 因为 大沙质水库 没有现场执法人员或管理人员, 冰上垂钓者必须自担风险. 这个2,500-acre reservoir is home to such fish as 棕色(的) trout, 切喉鳟, 还有冬天的burbot. Be prepared to rough it while fishing the 大沙质水库—the facilities that do exist are very primitive!


Situated to the north of Sweetwater County off Highway 191, 在法尔森以北15英里处, 大沙质水库 can only be accessed by a county road. 这条路无人维护, so it might require a four-wheel-drive vehicle during periods of heavy rain or snow. 

Note: Remember to take added precautions when ice fishing. If ice does not look safe or you are unsure of the conditions, stay off the ice. Four inches of hard, clear ice is safe for anglers on foot. Fish with a friend and tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return. Bring a charged cell phone, ice spikes, fire starter and extra set of clothes. 查找更多区域信息 怀俄明州的游戏 & Fish Department's 绿河 Regional Office.